UI creation

UI creation

A great feature of Rukovoditel is that you can have composite scripts generated relatively easily by entering variables and values in tables and then assembling the Ruko data with the help of a self-written PHP script using an API interface with the appropriate GDL script snippets.

A complete user interface with master script definitions, parameter script and complete user interface script requires a little more effort than a VALUES{2} command. The creation takes about 15 – 20 minutes and the following steps are necessary:

  • All parameters of an object, which should appear in the UI, are marked with „b“, i.e. „bold“, in the parameter list in the GDL object itself.
  • Theoretically, it would also be possible to use only those parameters that do not have an „X“ for „invisible“.
  • Create sections in the parameter list with the parameters and define the parameter sequence as it should appear in the user interface.
  • Mark parameter sections at the end with a sequence of numbers for the UI page, e.g. „_special_02“; all parameters in this section would end up on UI page 2.
  • Create an integer parameter called „gs_ui_current_page“ and „hide“ it.
  • Create a new project in Rukovoditel and add a new project.
  • Create names of UI pages in Rukovoditel.
  • In Sublime Text, use GDLnucleus to split the GDL object into its script components.
  • In Sublime Text, execute the BUILD system „Parameter-CSV-Ruko“. A parameter list specially formatted for Rukovoditel is output in csv format with the extension .xls (thus editable in Excel and readable in Ruko).
  • Optionally, you can now define a high infield height for selected parameters in Excel (this is already done automatically for attribute parameters). You can also specify whether 1 parameter should be output in 1 column or together with another parameter in 2 columns. Save after the changes.
  • Import the just saved CSV file in Ruko into the object created earlier and link the fields of the import file with the fields of the Ruko table.
  • Now click on the link to create the user interface: a web page opens with the complete GDL source code as linked below under „Attachments“.
  • Copy the source code on the web page and paste it into the 3 scripts in the GDL object in ArchiCAD or Sublime Text.
  • You may need to make a few small manual changes in the script if the outfield texts are too long or something at the bottom does not quite fit on the page.

A complete script created with the routine you can find here: ui_script.html
A film of how it works, you can find here: UI-Erzeugung-Nachtraeglich.mp4